Our Approach 

We take a data-informed approach to education.

With our proprietary strategic framework, we bring full visibility to the performance of your education programs, allowing you to make informed decisions around future investment and growth.

The Echtus Framework

The Echtus Framework™ is our unique approach to fostering alignment between your business goals and education outcomes, and promotes visibility into the full performance of your product-centric education programs.

Customer education 4 step strategic process

How we Benchmark

Our scorecard process assesses your program against the six dimensions of education strategy. The results indicate how your programs are performing in each area relative to mature education programs at similar companies. The report highlights areas that are well optimized, as well as actionable insights toward improvement.

Our Mapping Process

Education strategy mapping

Our unique strategic mapping process uncovers the connections between your content, your audiences, and your business goals. We’ll work closely with your team, and other stakeholders, to map all elements to measurable behavioral events.

Even if your programs have been live for years with thousands of courses, lessons, videos, and more, we’ll execute an actionable plan to foster alignment and bring clarity to the complexity.

Ready to Get Results?